Projects undertaken

Embu Main MarketConstruction of 4-Storey Ultra-Modern Market at Embu Main Market
Kibugu MarketSolar Powered High Mast at Kibugu Market
Kairuri-Kiriari-Gaciigi Road Tarmacking of Kairuri-Kiriari-Gaciigi Road
Mbuvori ESP Market, Nginda Ward. construction of Mbuvori ESP Market, Nginda Ward.
Connectivity Project Commissioned at Karwagi VillageLast Mile Electricity Connectivity Project Commissioned at Karwagi Village
Kangaru MarketRehabilitation of Kangaru Market, Kirimari Ward
St Joseph Allamano Primary (Kithegi)Purchase and delivery 10,000 litres plastic water tanks
Gatondo—Ithara Road Tarmacking of Gatondo—Ithara Road in Mbeti North Ward
Kathangari-Mukangu RoadGrading and Murraming of Scheme-Kathangari-Mukangu Road
Kiandundu Primary (Kithegi)Purchase and delivery 10,000 litres plastic water tanks.
Kivwe-Kithimu Road in Kamisa AreaGrading and Murraming Kivwe-Kithimu Road
GTI-Kamiu RoadTarmacking of the GTI-Kamiu road
Electricity in Karwagi B Village, Mbeti North Ward Transformative Electricity Maximization Project in Karwagi B village, Kimangaru, located in Mbeti North Ward
Tende Primary School (Ena East)Purchase and delivery 10,000 litres plastic water tanks.
Transformer Installed at KianjuguTransformer Installed at Kianjugu TBC: Lighting Up Kianjugu, Musingiri, and Keria Villages
Kihumbu Primary School (Kihumbu)Purchase and delivery 10,000 litres plastic water tanks.
Kimangaru-Kiamuringa Road Installation of Culverts at Guma Along Kimangaru-Kiamuringa Road
St Joseph Ndunda Primary School(Kibugu)Purchase and delivery 10,000 litres plastic water tanks.
Manyatta-Kavurukori and Manyatta-Ngimari Roads Installation of Culverts at Guma Along Kimangaru-Kiamuringa Road
Kenga Day Secondary School (Ruguru)Purchase and delivery 10,000 litres plastic water tanks.
Constituency Sports TournamentCarry out Constituency Football Sports tournament
Regional Sports Tournament.Facilitate regional sport tournament
Gaciigi Primary School (Ruguru)Construction to completion of a retaining wall with reinforced concrete
Gaciigi Primary School (Ruguru)Construction of a 2 storey classrooms with 3 Classrooms per floor
Ngimari Primary School (Ngandori East)Renovation to completion of 2 classrooms
Mbukori Primary School (Nembure)Completion of landscaping
St mark Rutune Primary School(Mbuvori)Purchase and delivery of 10,000 litres plastic tanks
Mbukori Primary School (Nembure)Construction of 5 doors modern ablution block
Keria Primary School(Ruguru)Purchase and delivery 10,000 litres plastic water tanks.
Igumo Primary School (Ena East)Completion of landscaping works
Nembure Primary School(Nembure)Renovation to completion of 2 Classrooms
St Benedict Kithimu day Secondary SchoolPurchase and delivery 10,000 litres plastic water tanks
St. Andrew Primary School(Nembure)Renovation to completion of 3 Classrooms
St Monica Special School (Municipality)Purchase and delivery 15,000 litres plastic water tanks
Kihumbu Primary School(Kihumbu)Construction to completion of exhaustible 6 No. doors modern ablution block
Tende Primary School (Ena East)Construction to completion of exhaustible modern ablution block
Gicherori Primary School (Kibugu)Purchase and delivery 10,000 litres plastic water tanks
Gatunduri Primary School (Mbeti)Renovation to completion of 3 Classrooms
Gatunduri Primary School (Mbeti)Construction to completion of exhaustible 6 doors modern ablution block
Kimangaru Primary School(Itabua)Renovation to completion of 3 Classrooms
Iveche Primary School (Kamiu)Purchase and delivery 10,000 litres plastic water tanks
Kimangaru Primary School(Itabua)Construction to completion of 5 No. doors modern ablution block
Kamiu Primary School (Kamiu)Renovation to completion of 2 Classrooms
Njukiri Primary School Construction to completion of exhaustible 3 doors
Gituri PrimaryRenovation to completion of 2No. Classrooms
Embu county Primary SchoolConstruction to completion of 2 Classrooms
St Joseph Ndunda Primary School (Kibugu)Construction to Completion of 2 classrooms
St. Mark's Primary School Rutune (Mbuvori)Construction to completion of an administration block
Muvandori Primary School (Kathangariri)Renovation to completion of 3 Classrooms
Gicherori Primary School(Kibugu)Renovation to completion of 3 Classrooms
St. Francis Primary School (Kathangariri)Renovation to completion a classroom
Kathuniri Primary School(Mbuvori)Renovation to completion of 3 Classrooms
St. John Karumiri Primary School(Kibugu)Renovation to completion of 2 classrooms
Rukira Primary (Kithegi)Renovation to completion of 2No. Classrooms
Rukira Primary School (Kithegi)Construction to completion of 5 No. doors sanitation facility
Kiandundu Primary School (Kithegi)Renovation to completion of 3 No. Classrooms
Ithangawe Primary School (Kyethiga)Renovation to completion of 2 Classrooms
Allamano Primary School(Kithegi)Renovation to completion of 2 Classrooms
Kithimu Primary School (Kithimu)Renovation to completion of 2 Classrooms
Kithegi Primary (Kithegi)Renovation to completion of 2 Classrooms
Urban Day secondary School (Municipality)Completion of a 2 storeyed building
Rugumu Day Secondary School KathangaririCompletion of a storeyed building comprising of a laboratory
St Christopher Day Secondary School NembureCompletion of a multipurpose hall
ACK Kathangariri Primary School kathangaririRenovation to completion of 2 Classrooms
Nthambo Day Secondary SchoolCompletion of Ground Floor (Phase 1)
DEB Kangaru Day Secondary SchoolCompletion of a 2 storeyed building
St Mary’s MukanguConstruction to completion of 2 sanitation facility blocks
Kirigi Assistant Chief's Office Ngandori NgandoriConstruction to completion of an Assistant Chief office
Kihumbu Assistant Chief's Office (Kihumbu)Construction to completion of an Assistant Chief office
Itabua Chiefs Office (Itabua)Construction to completion of a Chief’s office
Gatunduri Police Post (Mbeti)Renovation to Completion of staff houses consisting
Gatunduri Police Post (Mbeti)Construction to completion of 3 No. doors sanitation facility
Gatondo Assistant Chiefs Office(Itabua)Purchase of an 1/8 piece of land for construction of an Assistant chief office
Kithegi Chief’s Office (kithegi)Construction to completion a Chief's office
Kithegi Chief’s Office (Kithegi)Purchase of an 1/8 Piece of Land for Construction of a Chiefs Office
Deputy County Commissioners Office (Kangaru)Renovation to Completion of DCC’s Office
ACC Kangaru Office (Kangaru)Renovation to completion of ACC Kangaru office
Rural Electrification & Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC)Install electricity transmission lines at Gatumu Village in Kithimu Ward,ACK Muconoke Area in Gaturi South ward, Kimangaru area in Mbeti North Ward, Nguthi Area & Kauguri Area in Nginda Ward and Kanyakiri Area in Ruguru Ngandori Ward
Cipu Headquarters Construction to completion of 3 doors exhaustible Pit latrines
Njukiri Primary (Kangaru)Construction to completion of 1 sanitation facility block
Gaciigi Primary School (Ruguru)Construction to completion of 1 modern ablution blocks
Kiangima Primary (Mbeti )Construction of 5 doors modern ablution blocks latrines for boys & a Urinal with one chamber reserved for Person with disability
Kathuniri Primary School (Mbuvori)Construction to completion of 1 modern ablution blocks 6 doors for girls with a chamber reserved for person living with disability
Kenga Primary (Ruguru)Construction to completion of 4 doors modern ablution blocks for staffs with one chamber reserved for persons living with disability
ACK Kithunguriri Primary (Ruguru)Construction to completion of 1 modern ablution blocks of 6 doors for girls and 4
Dallas Primary SchoolPurchase and delivery of 160 Lockers & 160 Chairs
Embu County Primary SchoolRenovation to completion of 4 Classrooms; plastering, fixing of ceramic tiling, replacing of roofs with box profile, fixing of doors and windows, painting and electrical works
Gaciigi Primary SchoolAdditional funds for construction of 2 storey building with 3 Classrooms per floor from slabbing of first floor to finishes.
Gituri Primary SchoolRenovation to completion of 4 Classrooms; plastering, fixing of ceramic tiling, replacing of roofs with box profile, fixing doors and windows, painting and electrical works.
Karau Primary SchoolRenovation to completion of 3 Classrooms; Plastering, fixing of ceramic tiling, replacing of roofs with box profile, fixing of doors and windows, painting and electrical works
Kathangariri Primary SchoolRenovation to completion of 2 standard Classrooms through Plastering, fixing of ceramic tiling, replacing of roofs with box profile, fixing of doors and windows, painting and electrical works and Renovation to Completion of 1 Roomed office through Plastering,fixing of ceramic tiling, replacing of roofs with box profile, fixing doors and windows, painting and electrical works
Kiangoci Primary SchoolConstruction to completion of Administration block consisting of 5 offices Head teacher, Deputy head teacher, senior teacher, secretary and staffroom.
Kimangaru Primary SchoolRenovation to completion of 3 Classrooms; plastering, fixing of ceramic tiling, replacing of roofs with box profile, fixing of doors and windows, painting and electrical works
Kirigi Primary SchoolRenovation to completion of 3 Classrooms; plastering, fixing of ceramic tiling, replacing of roofs with box profile, fixing of doors and windows, painting and electrical works
Kithegi Primary School.Renovation to completion of 4 Classrooms; plastering, fixing of ceramic tiling, replacing of roofs with box profile, fixing of doors and windows, painting and electrical works.
Kithimu Primary SchoolRenovation to completion of 4 Classrooms; plastering, fixing of ceramic tiling, replacing of roofs with box profile, fixing of doors and windows, painting and electrical works.
Rugumu PrimaryConstruction to completion of a 5 door boys pit latrine with one chamber reserved for persons with disability and urinal.
Rugumu Primary SchoolRenovation to completion of 5 Classrooms through plastering, fixing of ceramic tiling, replacing of roofs with box profile, fixing of doors and windows, painting and electrical works.
ST. Andrew Primary SchoolRenovation to completion of 2 Classrooms; Compacting the floor with Gravel, plastering, fixing of ceramic tiling, replacing of roofs with box profile, fixing of doors and windows, painting and electrical works.
Nembure Primary School Renovation to completion of 3 Classrooms; Plastering, ceramic tiling, replacing of roofs with box profile, fixing doors and windows, painting and electrical works
Tende Primary SchoolRenovation to completion of 3 Classrooms; plastering, fixing of ceramic tiling, replacing of roofs with box profile, fixing of doors and windows, painting and electrical works
Iveche Primary School Construction to completion of a 45-student capacity laboratory
Gatondo Secondary SchoolConstruction of an Administration Block consisting of 6 Rooms; Foundation, walling and roofing (PHASE 1)
Kiriari Mixed Day Secondary SchoolConstruction of a 400 capacity multipurpose hall; foundation, Walling & Roofing (PHASE 1)
ST. Michael Day Secondary schoolConstruction of an Administration Block consisting of 6 rooms through laying foundation, walling and roofing.
Rugumu Primary SchoolConstruction of 6No. doors Pit latrines for girls with a reservation for Person with disability
Rugumu Primary SchoolConstruction of 4 No. doors modern ablution blocks for staff
St. Joseph Allamano Primary SchoolConstruction of 6 doors modern ablution blocks for girls with a reservation for Person with disability
Kihumbu Primary SchoolConstruction of 6 doors modern ablution blocks for girls with a reservation for Person with disability
St. Benedict Kithimu Day secondary SchoolConstruction of 6 doors modern ablution blocks with a reservation for Person with disability
St. Hellen Karimari Primary SchoolConstruction of 5 doors modern ablution blocks for boys with a reservation for Person with disability
St. Alphonse Secondary schoolConstruction of 5No. doors & 1No Urinal modern ablution blocks for boys with a reservation for Person with disability
Kimangaru Mixed Day secondary schoolConstruction of 5No. doors & 1No Urinal modern ablution blocks for boys with a reservation for Person with disability
St. Joseph Ndunda Primary SchoolConstruction of 3No.Doors & Urinal modern ablution blocks for boys with a reservation for Person with disability & 3No. doors Pit latrines for girls with a reservation for Person with disability
Kiriari Primary SchoolConstruction of 5No. doors & 1No Urinal Pit latrines for boys with a reservation for person with disability
Rung’ang’a Primary SchoolConstruction of 5No. doors & 1No modern ablution blocks for boys with a reservation for persons with disability
Karuriri Primary SchoolConstruction of 5 No. doors modern ablution blocks for boys & urinal with a reservation for persons with disability
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